Regenerative Farming Supports Community

Let’s talk about what it means to be an organic, small farm using Regenerative Farming Practices. It may seem obvious, but the fact has been shown to us again and again that organic and nutrient-rich diets are a game-changer for our bodies and the environment. Healthy, vibrant soil reflects healthy, vibrant food. This translates to healthy, vibrant people. It’s not just about us in our current plethora of industrial catastrophes - it’s about future generations to come as well. That’s where regenerative agriculture comes in.
Regenerative Agriculture is the term used to describe “farming and grazing practices that, among other benefits, reverse climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity – resulting in both carbon drawdown and improving the water cycle.” states Regeneration International. These regenerative methodologies seek to add real, tangible value directly into the soil via a self-nourishing ecological system. This sustainably perpetuates a healthy soil lifecycle and benefits the environment throughout the process. Referred to by the AgFunder Network as a “closed-loop system that doesn’t halt humans’ impact on the environment, but reverses it.” Not only does this practice, a practice which here at Wildwood Herbal has been present for many decades now, literally sow the seed of rejuvenation and regeneration within the soil it also cultivates a mindset in the farmer and Ag business owner of enriching the biodiversity that yields so much health and wealth (such riches translate to valuable nourishment for the versatile community served).
This is in part why Wildwood Herbal became well-versed in the regenerative agriculture practices. Our impact within the farming community matters. Our impact within our greater community, our neighbors and the people we serve our produce, herbs, and CBD products to is what defines us. We’ve observed and witnessed the degradation of big farming industries, the climate impact of today is a very real threat. It’s been estimated that agriculture, forestry and deforestation account for 24% of 2010 global GHG emissions and it is glaringly clear that global food (mostly meat) demands cannot be sustained at the current industrial agricultural levels.